Demo Days – A Fox Tale

I was going to do another narrative demo this week but decided against it because that week’s game demo took so long to complete. So, in the essence of time, this week is another platformer. Platformers don’t get old because moving and jumping are the go-to. This week I play as apparently the last fox in the world and I am searching for how and why. This week is A Fox Tale.

A Fox Tale is a 2D precision platformer from Danny Peet. The demo is available on Steam and and will be released sometime in 2024.

You play as Eva, a fox on a mission to understand why she is apparently the last of fox kind. Apparently, the extinction of the foxes has something to do with human experiments on them and some ominous-looking statutes littered throughout this world. Eva is determined, even when expressed that it would be a dangerous endeavor, from a dog in a cave, to go and get answers.

Platforming in A Fox Tale is fun. You start out with something easy and the technical platforming comes towards the end of the demo (when the game starts to slow down, unfortunately). Platforms are just within reach jump pads are then introduced and lastly, the gem that allows Eva to do the patented Ori jump from Ori and the Blind Forest. After collecting a purple jump gem you can have one free directional jump. Once introduced, that is all that you are doing. You have your obligatory spike floors and vanishing boxes to complicate everything as well.

The platforming is fun. The added second jump makes completing sections even more fun.

There is some stuff to collect along the way to test your ability in the platforming department by placing a bunch of collectibles in awkward places. If you watch the video above, I got baited by the same collectible for over three minutes.

Crisp pixel graphics and details in the environment really add to the cave atmosphere. It’s dark but the small bugs and torches light the way. The conversations have such beautiful-looking portraits.

A Fox Tale was really fun up until the point that the game screeched to a fucking halt. It is apparent at the end of the video that the game is relatively unoptimized. I had nothing going on while playing the game and that last section was BRUTAL.

I advise you to play the demo and have fun but be wary of that final section as it may ruin the experience.

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